Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kelley—This One Is For You!

We’ve gotten a significant amount of snow for NE Arkansas this weekend!  Over 9 inches!  That is the most snow I have seen since moving from Utah when I was 11!  The roads have been pretty treacherous and school/work was cancelled on Friday.  I kind of hope it is cancelled tomorrow too, but I’m not holding my breath!

The extra time with the kids has been great.  The extra sleep is nothing to sneeze at either!  HaHa!  I’ve spent a decent portion of the weekend working on payroll for work—the payroll process doesn’t rest for snow days, but other than that, it has been a wonderful weekend.

The kids were so excited about the snow.  When we decided to visit Mamaw and Papaw (it took us 45 minutes to chip the van out of the ice cube it was encased in), Kalyn and Keali spent about three minutes running around, falling in, and throwing snow.  Then it found it’s way into their boots and the screams of pain set in.  It was really funny.

While Heath and I chipped away at the van, we noticed a young family in the big lawn area behind our house.  The little boy was laughing and playing, then he started screaming he was stuck.  His Dad had to carry him back to the apartment and he screamed the whole way how cold he was.

We finally made it to my In-Laws.  Kalyn and Keali really wanted a snowman, and Mamaw was ready to oblige them.  It was getting dark and it was VERY cold.  It was still snowing—and sleeting.  Painful!

Mamaw asked the girls if they were ready to go outside to make the snowman.  Keali said, “No.  It is too cold!”  Kalyn said, “But we don’t mind if you go out to make it Mamaw.  We will watch from the window!”  It was so cute and innocent.  We all laughed and it hurt Kalyn’s feelings, but needless to say, the snowman waited until the next day.

Here are some pictures from the past few days or so.  Enjoy!838

Kaci in the bath.759

Kaci in her blessing gown.  She did not want to be dressed up.776

She fought the whole time.788

So cute!800

She is such a pretty baby!805

Grandma holding Kynan.813

Andrea and Kaci.  This is Kaci’s slip to her gown.  It was entirely hand sewn and gorgeous!  This is pretty much how Kaci spends her time.  Her Papaw says, “If she wasn’t so stinkin’ cute when she cried, we might try to stop her.”828

The back of the slip.835

Kynan in the tub.  He was having a blast this day.009

Heath bought Kalyn this new skirt and she was modeling.  I’m not sure where she learned to model like this.010

Or this. 015

Kaci got this new knit dress from Heath.  She is such a little monkey!018

I think she got the hang of modeling a little better this day though.  034

Building the snowman.  I ended up doing most of the work with explicit instructions from Kalyn and Keali.  I forgot how hard it was to build a snowman.038

Keali wanted him to have hair.  This was the best I could do.  It was really the most frightening snowman I think I have ever seen.051

Kalyn and Keali with their creation.  Kalyn kicked him over later on in the day.063

Kaci with her Daddy.


Belkycita said...

LOL!!! Kalyn is hilarious!!!
The twins are chubbing up, yeah!
umm did you just call Keali, Kaci?
Oh fun times :-)

Crystal, Russell and Our Boys said...

Hahahah! That snowman is really hilarious, and you are right he is also downright scary. ;) Your girls sure do have a lot of personality. How fun! And your babies are adorable. How far do you live from Bentonville? I'd love to see you again.

Jennie said...

That's pretty cool that you were able to have a snow day. My girls love to build snow puppies. We're okay with it because it's much easier. Fill a bucket with packed snow, build a round head and tada. A snow puppy. Your girls are so cute. I LOVE Kaci's blessing gown. It makes me wish I could sew. Enjoy the snow while it lasts.