Thursday, December 17, 2009

There are a lot of heartbreaking moments in motherhood.  Having to watch your tiny babies grow up, for example. Letting your young one trip because she needs to learn how to pick herself up (you don’t let her trip if she will get really hurt though!).  One more moment I discovered tonight.  I can’t possibly keep every piece of artwork my children create.  I simply don’t have the room.  But how do I choose?  Seriously.  How do I choose.

I’m currently accepting suggestions.

This is the very first time I have gotten to sit down all day (with the exception of while I was at my psychiatrist’s office—went well!).  I just finished feeding Kynan and Kaci and I got Kalyn and Keali off to bed. 

Kaci started crying in her bouncy seat while I finished tucking in my two oldest.  When I was done, I went to the living room and picked Kaci up to take her, wrap her up, and put her to bed. 

She instantly stopped crying when I picked her up.  The smug look on her face (Yeah!!  I too was shocked to discover that an eight week old knows how to be smug!!)  clearly said, “Yep.  I cry, they pick me up.  Works every time!”  So cute. 

How did I get so lucky to have the cutest babies ever?

Now…for my proudest moment today.  I cleaned the kitchen!  I’m finally so exhausted that I am cleaning.  When I get super tired instead of going to bed, I clean.  Not just the straightening stuff that I usually do (admittedly that happens rarely)—the deep cleaning.  The kitchen is now clean and will stay that way until tomorrow morning at breakfast.  Oh well.  At least it will sparkle for a few hours.

037Kalyn took this picture of Keali this evening.  I really like it!

A video of the kids taken just before Strep—2009.

001All four.

006Kynan is really the cutest little boy I’ve ever seen.  I am totally in love with him!

014Kaci is so pretty!  She has the most expressive eyes.

030Kalyn will always be my first precious baby.  I wish she wasn’t growing up so fast.


Markell said...

I heard something a while ago about saving projects, etc. from kids. Take a picture of them holding it! I love the idea and then you get to see what they looked like/how big they were when they did it.

Someday I'm going to get better at it myself and actually do scrapbooks/memory books for my kids. Maybe after we move again......

Cheryl said...

Keali looks gorgeous in that photo!

Don't you wish kitchens could stay clean just a little longer for all the work it takes to get them there?