Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I just got back from the dentist.  My tooth feels weird.

I hear from Heath that Kaci just has reflux—and that her lungs sound clear.  They are doing a chest x-ray to be sure, but hopefully she isn’t as sick as I was worried for!  Kaci now weighs 7 lbs 12 oz and Kynan is a whopping 8 lbs 11 oz!  He is almost a pound larger!!  Wow.  I maintain that most of the weight is in his head.

Now lets talk about a little something I call the best show on Wednesday nights…


If you haven’t watched it and you love music you are missing out!  This show has quickly become one of my favorites—and I don’t watch much tv.  Love it!  I can’t wait for it to resume in January!!


Markell said...

I'm glad that her lungs sound clear! The babies are gaining weight so well. YEAH!!!!

Ok, so tell me about Glee. We get 2 channels here (I refuse to pay for cable). What channel is it on? Maybe I'll get lucky?

Best of the Best said...

We love Glee!!! Reed's theme song is "If you like it put a ring on it". Yeah he had that song stuck in his head for about 3 days. I'd never heard it until Glee. Now, I hear it everywhere. We enjoyed the music in the season finale.

Jennie said...

I'm so glad Kaci isn't sick. That would've been terrible! It's wierd to think that Kynan weighs as much as Brianna did when she was born and he's so much older. I'm just glad they're doing so well.

We might have to check out Glee!