Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I didn’t sleep at all last night—not at all.  My throat hurt.  I got up this morning and began to think that I had strep throat.  I took the girls to school and headed to the doctor’s office.  Sure enough.  I have strep.  And it hurts.  I have a fever, aches, chills, the works.  I’m miserable. 

I begged Heath to stay home from work to take care of the kids so I could rest.  He did and even braved the doctor’s office with all four of them.  Kynan and Kaci had their two month check up and got four shots each.  Ouch!  Kalyn and Keali were supposed to get caught up on their vaccinations, but Kalyn couldn’t because we discovered a severe ear infection.  Yuck.  Keali got hers, but we also discovered that she has strep!  She never said a thing!  I had been trying to figure out how I got it and now I know. 

It’s only a matter of time before Heath is miserable as well.  I just want to cry!


Jennie said...

I'm sorry! I'm a firm believer that Mom's shouldn't EVER get sick because you still have to be a mom. I'm impressed Health took them all to the doctor's alone. That's intimidating to me and I've done it before. Maybe he just didn't know what he was getting into. Either that or he's a super awesome hubby!

Belkycita said...

oh no!!!
That is it! you are all in time out. you all must stay in bed and watch your favorite shows together, Pj's all week long and someone PLEASE bring the some huge batch of chicken noodle soup and Sprite. OK? please?
we're praying for your family.